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Feminist podcasts you NEED in your life


This article was originally published on HERCAMPUS

Podcasts have really blown up in the last two years or so, opening up so many more platforms through these mini radio shows. A genre that has really grown is feminist podcasts, with some excellent episodes from talented woman around the globe; discussing women’s issues, or political issues from a feminist viewpoint. I have compiled a list of the ones that I tune into religiously, or the ones that I have just started to listen to, to give you a snapshot into some of the female talent that is currently killing it in the podcast-sphere. 

The History Chicks - For the history nerds out there, The History Chicks gives light to some inspirational and badass woman; each episode takes an influential woman and gives them the platform and the time to have their history and achievements spoken about.

Same Shit Different Century - A podcast that is still in its early stages, it gives an insight into those who fought for the rights to vote for woman, going above and beyond the small history that we are taught with regards to the Suffragette Movement, expanding beyond the Pankhursts to showcase other influential women in the movement.

The Guilty Feminist - a textbook podcast on feminism, The Guilty Feminist focuses on a large number of issues and breaks them down into bite size chunks for everyone to consider and contribute.

The Guardian’s What Would a Feminist Do? - An often heavier listen, What Would a Feminist Do allows for the discussion of problems and tunes into the questions that listeners put forward in order to tackle the many issues that intertwine with feminism in today’s society.  

Pantsuit Politics - This podcast, although not feminist in the nature of the topics discussed, gives the floor to two different women sitting totally opposite each other on a number of issues. This voice given to these two different women promotes tolerance and understanding of the complex issues that face society today and gives an interesting insight into how two starkly different minds approach such issues.

I have also added in a couple of French podcasts for those who speak French and/or are learning it as a second language, it’s a great way to practice listening comprehension at the same time as supporting female produced, female focused podcasts.

La Poudre - “Were you born a woman or did you become one?”, Now on it’s 40th plus episode, La Poudre poses this question, among others, to inspirational French women and gives them a platform to talk about their lives, their childhood and how they have arrived to be the self defined woman that they are today. 

Quoi de Meuf? Self coined as a ‘feminist and intersectional’ podcast, Quoi de Meuf, still in its rookie stages talks about a number of female issues such as feminist literature, social media, representation in the press and consent. This is a really engaging podcast that deals with a wide range of issues and works as a discussion style chat between the two hosts.


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