This article was originally posted on The Language Exepress:

Podcasts are a great asset to your learning when studying a language, and with so many being offered, there is always something that you can find to help you improve your target languages. Normally in mini radio show style format, they are generally quite short and therefore easy to fit into a busy schedule. The best thing is that they are all free, unlimited to download, and available on platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, or SoundCloud.
The Fluent Show. This is conducted in English is a show for those who are passionate about languages, language learning and everything in between. The show gives many tips, tricks and stories as to how these two women have so successfully learned the languages that they speak. Shows to catch up on include: How to get the perfect accent, How to start a language journal and How to learn several languages at the same time.
Series that are in multiple languages:
The Coffee Break Series has episodes for French, German, Spanish, Italian and Chinese. With lessons ranging from complete beginners, to more advanced topics in the later series, the Coffee Break series cover many topics through short scenarios and dialogues. The format is a teacher and a pupil, working through a dialogue together and focusing on the key grammar and vocab points after.
News in Slow Spanish/French/Italian/German:
As it explains in the title, this podcast features short newsclips, slowed down for maximum comprehension. This is especially good for beginners and intermediate learners of the language.
SBS: SBS is an Australian channel which specialises in radio shows in multiple languages. Each hour is in a different language and current affairs are discussed. This is excellent for intermediate to advanced level speakers and features a diverse range of voices and people talking about many different topics, from Australian politics to worldwide issues. The SBS Service features all of the languages below and many others including Cantonese, Dutch, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Turkish, Indonesian and Swahili.
Intermediate French Podcast by innerFrench - This is a podcast that is designed for intermediate learners. The speakers speak slowly and entirely in French which means it is excellent for total immersion into the language.
La Poudre – A podcast that gives the floor to inspirational women and how they have got to be in the position that they are today. This is excellent for Advanced French Speakers as it goes into many deeper societal issues and concepts. A similar, but more business oriented alternative is Generation XX, which focuses on the paths that women have taken to launch successful careers.
TTMIK: Talk To Me In Korean has multiple podcasts which help learning Korean. There is a podcast with episodes focused on Grammar, one on Listening skills and one which is mini videos on culture, vocab, language challenges and many other useful tips for improving all aspects of your Korean skills. This podcast is regular and packed with content all whilst not being too heavy. It’s a great asset that caters to all levels.
バイリンガルニュース (Bilingual News) - This is a bilingual Japanese and English podcast, which allows you to hear colloquial and casual conversation, with the English to contextualise the podcasts. This is a great way to immerse yourself in Japanese.
JapanesePod101 - Japanese Pod consists of many clips under 5 minutes. Combining audio and visual lessons, this podcast has something for every type of learner. There are beginners and intermediate classes, as well as bootcamp sessions which are regularly updated.
Fuling’s Podcast - A seasoned traveller, the presenter of this podcast talks about the observations she makes whilst travelling. These short snippets are perfect for intermediate and advanced learners and feature a chatty host, which is great to pick up natural italian conversation skills.
Viva la Lengua – This podcast is easy to follow and shows the stories of students who have learned Spanish. Their stories are motivational and help you get on your way as well as giving tips about studying and living in Spain as a foreign student.
TED en Español - TED talks are an excellent way to practice listening as they speak about a diverse range of subjects and they have videos online for those who are more of a visual learner. These talks are excellent for Intermediate and Advanced speakers.
In Russian Terms - Advanced Russian Language Program and Podcast - This podcast is ideal higher-level Intermediate and Advanced Learners, and this is something that focuses on Culture Shocks, Russian Humour and other Russian speaking countries.
Очень по-русски - Learn Russian Slang With Podcast - This is a podcast that focuses on slang in Russian. This is great for topping up on vocabulary that is not covered in textbooks and sounding more like a native Russian speaker.
Dimsum Mandarin:
Small lessons for Chinese learners that focuses on everyday situations and conversations.
There is also a podcast series by Dim Sum that focuses specifically on Pinyin. If you are a beginner, or not so familiar with the characters, then this is a great way to practice.
Traditional 雪梨台灣阿姐的碎碎念(華語)/ Simplified雪梨台湾阿姐的碎碎念(华语)
For advanced learners of Mandarin, Susie Wang, the host of this podcast discusses ideas, travel, culture and lifestyle in bitesize 15 minute chunks. The podcast is interesting and engaging, with lots of new vocabulary in a chatty context.
BBC Xtra - This is an Arabic Language news show, which is delivered by the BBC. It’s a longer listen at around the 2 hour mark, but is great for more advanced speakers to practice academic topics.